
Belle & Sebastian Singles

Ni Franz Ferdinand, ni Primal Scream, ni Travis. Aquí tenemos a la que para mi es la mejor banda escocesa Belle & Sebastian. Y aquí todos sus sencillos:

The White Collar Boy
UK release date: 26th June, 2006

The Blues Are Still Blue
UK release date: April 3rd, 2006

Funny Little Frog
UK release date: January 16th, 2006

UK release date: June 21st, 2004

I'm A Cuckoo
UK release date: February 16th, 2004

Step Into My Office, Baby
UK release date: November 17th, 2003

I'm Waking Up To Us
UK release date: November 26th, 2001

Jonathan David
UK release date: June 18th, 2001

Legal Man
UK release date: May 22nd, 2000

This Is Just A Modern Rock Song
UK release date: December 7th, 1998

3.. 6.. 9.. Seconds Of Light
UK release date: October 13th, 1997

Lazy Line Painter Jane
UK release date: July 28th, 1997

Dog On Wheels
UK release date: May 12th, 1997


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